Acupuncture is an ancient, traditional method in China that can prevent and treat many diseases. It is part of the Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) system that has a history of over 3,000 years.
Acupuncture is the method of using extremely fine, hair-thin needles that are both flexible and sterile. The needles are placed on certain special points called acu-points. These acu-points are the energetic pathways relating to organs, muscles and nerves on the human body’s surface. Placement of the needles on these acu-points treat or prevent diseases by stimulating and regulating these special points.
During treatment, needles are inserted at certain acu-points. The needles are then manipulated, resulting in the opening of the meridian blockages thus promoting Qi flow. There are twelve main meridians that serve as a way for communication to take place between the internal organs. The twelve meridian systems are linked to a particular organ and is named after that organ. Use of Acupuncture and Moxibustion to diagnose and treat illness, prevent disease and improve fitness date back to a time before recorded history. They promote the body’s natural healing ability. Most conditions can be corrected or improved with treatment as shown in our many testimonials.
Twelve Meridian Systems
The twelve meridians correspond to organs, yin and yang properties and limb positions. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, organs noted have a broader meaning than typically thought of in western medicine.
Limb | Channel | Corresponding Organ |
Arm | Tai Yin | Lung |
Arm | Shao Yin | Heart |
Arm | Jue Yin | Pericardium |
Arm | Yang Ming | Large Intestine |
Arm | Tai Yang | Small Intestine |
Arm | Shao Yang | San Jiao |
Leg | Tai Yin | Spleen |
Leg | Shao Yin | Kidney |
Leg | Jue Yin | Liver |
Leg | Yang Ming | Stomach |
Leg | Tai Yang | Bladder |
Leg | Shao Yang | Gall Bladder |
History Of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is one of the key elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is effective for physical, psychological and emotional problems. Use of Acupuncture began more than 3,000 years ago. Chinese classics prove it’s theory was already well developed at that time. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a comprehensive system of preventive health care and maintenance. The effectiveness of acupuncture has been well documented. The western world’s conception of Acupuncture was first thought to only be useful for chronic pain management or as an analgesic. Effectiveness extends far beyond that conception.